jNOVAS library

jNOVAS 3.1 is a java wrapper for the library developed and distributed by The United States Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC) with included JPL planetary and lunar ephemeris DE421 binary file published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The wrapper contains methods for transformation of catalog entries, for computation of the virtual, astrometric, local and topometric positions for stars and solar system bodies and for transformation of topocentric right ascension and declination to zenith distance and azimuth. Look at NOVAS 3.1 Users Guide and DE421 Report for further details.

Native part of the software is written in C++, precompiled and packaged for Windows 32/64 bit, Apple OS X Intel 32/64 bit and Linux Intel 32/64 bit platform.

You need Java 1.5 or later runtime or SDK (both Apple and Oracle Java VM is supported on Apple OS X) to use the library. To test it, just write "java -jar novas.jar" at command prompt. To use it with your own project just add novas.jar to CLASSPATH for your development environment and application runtime. No installation of the native part is necessary, required native code is extracted from the JAR file and loaded into JVM automatically. There are two versions of library available within the distribution package. File novas.jar is low precision but small size version and file novas_hp.jar is high precision but quite large size version with DE421 included.

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jNOVAS can be used for non-commercial purposes for free. Download »

jNOVAS is a free software but if you find it useful you can make a donation at your own discretion to support its further development. Thank you...